Want More Peace?

"Peace is possible,
but it has to come from within. " 
~ Cynthia Legette Davis


"I am leaving you with a gift:
peace of mind and heart!"
~ John 14:27

Articles Archive

Entries in truth (5)


Living Your Truth

What’s truth for you? It appears to be different for different people, but ultimately, it’s the same—love. Therefore, to know if something is truth, ask, “Is it love?” You’ll know by the way it makes you feel. For me, peace is the feelings barometer.

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Believing Is Seeing

It’s easy to let the images the world portrays as perfect cause us to cast away our confidence and wallow in self-doubt. It’s easy if we believe everything we see. But you and I both know that seeing is not always believing, especially when it comes to outward appearances.

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Silence Your Ego-Mind for the Truth

How do you talk to yourself about yourself and others? Do you build up or do you put down yourself and others in your mind? If the latter is true, that means your "ego-mind" is at work overruling the love in your life. And, usually, what shows up in our ego-mind will come out of our mouths.

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The Truth That Sets Us Free

God’s Word tells us to be in the world but not of it. What does that mean? How can we be in the world, but not of the world? By recognizing the truth. God’s Word also tells us that we shall know the truth, and the truth will set us free.   So what is the truth?

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God Is Greater

I'm thinking a lot today about the bombings in Boston, and all the lives that were affected by them directly and indirectly. It would be very easy to let my mind slip into a mood of despair and fear if I let it. But despite this horrific act against human life, I'm reminded that God is greater. He is greater than anyone who planned and implemented this bombing, He's greater than any fear, pain and loss we may be experiencing as a result.


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