Want More Peace?

"Peace is possible,
but it has to come from within. " 
~ Cynthia Legette Davis


"I am leaving you with a gift:
peace of mind and heart!"
~ John 14:27

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Take Today to Celebrate You!

Did you know that today is the first day of the rest of your life? Think about it. Yesterday’s gone. Tomorrow is only a hope and an illusion (at least for now.) Today is your reality. Today is your day to be all that you are—loving, special, gifted, talented and much more.

Photo Credit: Steve Koukoulas via photopin cc

How will you spend today? How will you celebrate it? Here’s an idea that you may not have thought of. (If you have, maybe you can share it with a friend.)

Take today to take stock of all the things you like and love about yourself. Make a list. Ignore the impulse to also point out the negatives. Only focus on your positives.

Then make yourself this promise: to add to your list each day.

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