Want More Peace?

"Peace is possible,
but it has to come from within. " 
~ Cynthia Legette Davis


"I am leaving you with a gift:
peace of mind and heart!"
~ John 14:27

Articles Archive

Entries in inner peace (17)


How to Live Each Day in Each Day

Do you ever find yourself wondering where the time has gone?  It seems that the older we get the more quickly the years seem to go by. But recently I learned a simple technique that will help us appreciate time now as it passes rather than feeling as though it has left us behind scratching our heads.

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Break Free of Fear for Love

Is fear holding you back from what you love? Sometimes, it certainly feels that way, doesn't it—like a giant force literally gripping you and causing you to stay stuck. If your heart is yearning to be free and express the love in it, it's just a matter of time before fear gets kicked to the curb--but not without some inner work first.

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Love Is the Dream Come True

Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. had a dream that is coming to pass, not in the world at large--yet, but in smaller, more intimate ways--in our individual lives. Dr. King dreamed that we would learn to see and love each other beyond the color of our skin and form relationships based on the content of our character. We each have the power to do that, and in our day-to-day lives, many of us are using it.

More and more, we're discovering that we may not be able to change the world, but we can change how we are in the world--with each other.

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The Evolution of My Peace

(How my quest for racial harmony led to personal conviction, inner-healing and ultimately to peace.)

It was 1991, and I was tired—tired of race being such a factor in our lives. For as long as I could remember, I had looked around me and wondered why people of different races could not get along and yearned for the day in which we would.

I was angry—angry because it seemed as though the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. In fact, race relations were getting worse instead of better. I wanted so much to make a positive difference, but felt so powerless to change anything.

Then, an answer came from what I know now was the voice of God. It said: “Peace, be still.” It told me that if I wanted to help bring about racial harmony in this world, I had to first be at peace within myself. 

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10 Internal Pathways to Personal Peace

If you want peace in your life, you can have it, but you have to go inside to get it. Inside is where your real power is because it’s where you connect with your greater Self.  Inside is where you make the choices. Inside is where making a difference begins. As you continue on your journey to personal peace, here are some pathways to help steer you along your way.

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Who Said What About Peace?

One thing I like more than a good peace quote is being able to see who said it. This really cool slide show from the Universal Peace Federation offers both. Enjoy!

(Touch image to advance quotes.)


God Is Your Father

(A Father's Day message for fatherless sons)

You never knew your father. What does that make you? I know the world has a word for it, but the truth is, God is your father. That makes you a child of God. 

I know you would have liked to have known your earthly father. It would have been nice to have had him to talk to about things like sex, relationships, work and life in general. But somehow, you made it through without him.

And look at you now. You’re all grown up with a family of your own and have turned out to be a wonderful man.

I know it hasn’t been easy.

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