Want More Peace?

"Peace is possible,
but it has to come from within. " 
~ Cynthia Legette Davis


"I am leaving you with a gift:
peace of mind and heart!"
~ John 14:27

Articles Archive

Entries in emotions (2)


How to Avoid Hurt Feelings

Has anyone ever said this to you: “Don’t be so sensitive. I was only kidding.” If so, did it change the way you felt? Chances are it didn’t because you had already taken the matter to heart and it had already hurt your feelings.

Needless to say, not every hurt feeling can be avoided, but some can, especially the unnecessary ones.

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Take Five to Instantly Lower Your Stress Level

I know you’re busy. You’ve got work commitments, family commitments, other commitments…so much to do throughout your day. Who has time to relax? You do—even if it’s only for five minutes here and there. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it will make in your day and in your life.

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