Take Five to Instantly Lower Your Stress Level
Monday, February 1, 2016 at 11:08AM
Cynthia Legette Davis in Awareness, Life Balance, emotions, life balance, peace, relax, stress, time

I know you’re busy. You’ve got work commitments, family commitments, other commitments…so much to do throughout your day. Who has time to relax? You do—even if it’s only for five minutes here and there. You’ll be amazed at what a difference it will make in your day and in your life. 

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Here’s a technique I really like. While you’re racing though your day, and especially when you are feeling irritated, periodically stop—just stop in your tracks. Breathe deeply and boost your mind and mood with a positive affirmation. Say it to yourself three times slowly and with confidence.

My favorite one is “I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.” Some other good ones are “I choose to be happy no matter what,” or simply, “God loves me.” Whatever affirmation you choose, it’s important to say it to yourself with confidence to cause the positive mental shift you need in the moment.

Now notice how you feel. Are you feeling calmer and more peaceful? If so, you’re ready proceed with what you were doing. If not, make the commitment to try the exercise again—either now or as soon as possible.

Repeat this process as often as necessary to help you keep your stress level in check. Pay attention to yourself and your anxiety level throughout the day to know when it’s time to stop and start again.



Article originally appeared on Peace In Us - Living in Joy and Personal Peace (http://peaceinus.net/).
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